The course is designed for training and competence in basic knowledge of the causes of fire, and prevention and firefighting techniques as well as risk minimization as well as actions to be taken in the event of a fire or similar emergency.
The course is structured with the emphasis on practical exercises designed to instill competence, and theoretical input on basic fire- fighting skills and techniques.

What You'll Learn
- Understand the fire triangle and classify a fire
- Understand the means of fire fighting
- Able to select proper fire extinguisher to put fire out
- Able to raise alarm and response in emergency
- Able to escape from a smoke filled/ dark environment
9 Lesson/day
- Legislation and Legal Duties
- Chemistry of Combustion
- Fire triangle
- Classification & methods of Extinction.
- Actions to be taken in event of fire on-board ship.
- First Aid & classes of Fire
- Hose & Branch handling, exercises multi valve isolation.
- Intro to BA & Operations
- Foam lecture & Practical